Friday, March 22, 2013

Why it’s worth it!

Why it’s worth it!

When I talk with people, sometimes they wonder why I would get up before 10a.m. on Saturday to do anything I didn’t have to do! I say, what if you did it for something you wanted to do; something you enjoyed; something that actively created the peace of mind for setting the rest of your day in balance. Well then they say, sign me up!

So I ask myself why are there not hundreds of people flocking to learn this amazing practice? This is something I have been reflecting on while creating the new promotional campaign. I notice the hardest thing for most of us to do is not to have the intention to do something; it is to make the commitment and stick to it.  Whether it’s a new diet or having more tolerance for a certain family member, or seeing the events in our lives in a positive way, let’s face it –sometimes life seems to get in the way of our plans for improvement. But I ask, is it life or are we still in a process of learning how to live?

What the practice of Tai Chi has taught me over the years is not to give up on my plans for self-improvement. Tai Chi has taught me that if I do something with a little effort each day  I will attain more balance; overtime I look back and can truly say I am not the same person I was when I started the journey.

I am always grateful to meet other martial artists from different disciplines. I admire in them the elements of what they learn: hardy stability from the earth and enthusiastic focused flames of fire; I see myself as water. The strength and power of water can be easily underestimated. Its perseverance over time can move mountains and even a light shower eventually extinguishes a flame. To see an example of the power of water we only need to venture to one of our natural treasures, the Grand Canyon.  The lesson for life from water is to flow. I want to continue my whole life learning how to live so that I flow.

I had watched a documentary not too long ago, called “Happy” directed by Roko Belic (available streaming on Netflix) that spoke about the pursuit of what makes humans happy. It described something called, “the zone.” The zone is when everything just fades away and we truly are in a state of being in the moment. No thinking about what he or she said or what is next on the to-do list exists in “the zone.” When in “the zone” a person simply Is. In these moments there is unconditional acceptance, there is flow and there is happiness. Tai Chi is flow.

So why is it worth it to commit to the Level 1: Tai Chi Class? If I only had to choose one benefit today, it would be to live with more balance. When we learn how to give ourselves more balance, we experience more flow which leads to more happiness and all aspects of life benefit. This is because we learn to give value to our “inner self” and all things developed inside cannot be taken away. Our inner self determines how we view the world around us.

I can exceed at my academic pursuits, my career, my family and social life but without giving back to my “inner self” eventually I get caught up in the ups and downs of life. The practice of Tai Chi keeps me centered as a co-creator and happy. Thank you for spending your time today reading our blog. I encourage you to make a commitment to attend the Tai Chi workshop at the dojo, March 30 at 9 a.m. to learn a practical approach for creating more balance, more flow and more happiness in your life.


Level One Instructor
Public Relations Director

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